
Children's Bread TV Intro
Children's Bread Network
Keeping Our Innocence
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14 NIV
Children's Bread Network is a safe place for children. They will learn about who Jesus is and who they are. Your true identity in Christ will be revealed as you learn to hear the voice of God for yourselves. Yes, children are to walk as Kingdom citizens, not falling prey to society and lies from the enemy. Children's Bread Network will lead children on the path of righteousness. They will also gain natural skills. You may receive educational help, counseling, mentorship, and much more.

This ministry would love to expand to be able to help children in many area of their lives. We will be providing meals for children very soon. We are offering tutoring services to children of all ages. For smaller children 10 and under, we offer story time to expand the minds.
Feed the Kids | Personal Care Products

Tutoring Services
A Real Success

Story Time with Kentia
Exceptional Achievement